Trash & Recycle Information

Crested Butte partners with Waste Management for weekly curbside pick up of trash and bi-weekly pick up of recycling for its residents.  


Trash is collected every Thursday morning by Waste Management of Colorado, which has a contract for residential trash collection with the Town of Crested Butte.

If you store your trash cans outside per ordinance No. 10 2007 they must be wildlife resistant polycarts. Please have your trash and recyclables curbside by 7:30 a.m. You may not put your trash out the night before unless you have a wildlife resistant polycart.


If your service day falls on or after an observed holiday, your service that week will be delayed to Friday. Regular service resumes the following week.

Observed Holidays:

    • New Years Day
    • Memorial Day
    • July 4th
    • Labor Day
    • Thanksgiving
    • Christmas.
Recycling is picked up every other week. 2025 Waste Management Recycling Calendar
Crested Butte now uses one bin for all recycling. Waste Management has dubbed it Single-Stream Recycling, others call it co-mingled. Either way please put all of your recyclable items in the large green polycart with the yellow lid. 
Recyclable Items Include:
  • Aluminum, Tin or Steel Containers:
    • Pet food cans, coffee containers, canned veggies, drink cans, etc.
    • These are accepted crushed or not.
    • No foils or food trays.
  • Glass:
    • Bottles & jars of any color
    • Remove lids (lids can be recycled as well) 
  •  Paper & Cardboard:
    • Brown paper bags, office paper, newspaper, magazines
    • Flattened cardboard & paperboard
    • Dairy and Juice Containers
    • NO - Craft paper, paper towels, cafeteria waste, fluorescent papers.
  • Plastics:  #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7
  • Acceptable Plastics:
    •  Wide-mouth containers (e.g. butter and cottage cheese tubs)
    •  Yogurt containers 
    •  Clear clamshells (like deli/bakery sandwich or cookie containers)
    •  Personal care/prescription bottles
    •  Pails 
    •  Flower and garden pots 
    •  Nalgene bottles
  • Unacceptable Plastics:
    • Frozen entrée microwave trays 
    • Any thing with food on it! Please clean your recyclable items. 
    • Shrink wrap or Saran wrap 
    • Plastic bags 
    • Automotive chemical containers, including motor oil and antifreeze bottles
    • Pesticide containers 
    • Styrofoam containers
    • Compostable bottles or cups marked “compostable”
What is Mixed Office Paper?  Mixed office paper includes inserts, ledger paper, computer paper, copy and fax paper, index cards, white and pastel colors, receipts, manila file folders, envelopes (windows ok!) and junk mail. 

Need a recycle tote?  Swing by the Waste Management Transfer Station located at 467 Riverland Drive in Riverland or give them a call at 970-349-1032 option 3.  
Other Resources:

Alternative Recycling Options:

Waste Management offers recycle drop-off between 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Riverland Transfer Station located at 467 Riverland Dr. See the list above for items that Waste Managements accepts for recycle. 

You may drop off the following items in Gunnison 24 hours a day 7 days a week at the recycling center at 10th and Rio Grand Avenue (west of the airport):

  • Brown, green and clear glass.
  • All #1 and #2 plastic.
  • Corrugated cardboard.
  • Newspaper and magazines.
  • Aluminum and tin.
  • Brown glass. 

For more information regarding the Gunnison Recycle Center please call 970-641-0044.