Transportation Mobility Plan

Facilitating a connected community.

Crested Butte is known for townie-takeovers, colorful buses, skiing through alleys, and protecting the Town’s historic character and surrounding environment: but growth in vehicle traffic has eroded the walkability of Crested Butte and has become a major contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. If intentional actions aren’t taken to mitigate the growth in vehicle traffic, Crested Butte's pedestrian and bike experience, community character, and environmental impacts will continue to worsen. 

TMP Goal: The goal of the Transportation Mobility Plan (TMP) is to keep Crested Butte a pedestrian and townie-first community by deemphasizing cars and focusing on walking, rolling, biking, and transit. The TMP has resulted in a long-range roadmap of actions that stem from an overarching strategy of: 

  • Improving transportation choices 
  • Managing parking convenience 
  • Integrating land use and transportation
TMP Implementation: Now that the TMP is adopted, what happens now? Implementing 20 years of actions will require continued active community engagement and participation to make sure the TMP is implemented in a way that is aligned with the community’s expectations and values, particularly to ensure the Town can test and tailor solutions when and where we can to ensure we achieve the result we want. Check back here and stay tuned for updates in the Town's e-blast for 2025 implementation projects and how you can participate.