Parking Regulations
Winter Parking Rules
From November 1 through and including April 30, winter parking rules are in effect for the Town of Crested Butte. Make sure that on odd numbered days between the hours of 10:00pm and 10:00am, you do not park in front of any odd numbered address of any street or alley, except Elk Avenue from Sixth Street to First St. And, on even numbered days between the hours of 10:00pm and 10:00am, do not park in front of any even numbered address of any street or alley, except Elk Avenue from Sixth Street to First St. Every day between the hours of 2:00am and 8:00am, do not park on Elk Avenue from Sixth Street to First St or in the Town public parking lots (east of Sixth and Elk, south of First and Elk, Nordic Center/Big Mine, 100 north Elk Alley off Second, Station One, 300 north Elk Alley off Fourth). Every day between the hours of 2:00am and 7:00am, do not park on Third Street from the alley north of Elk Avenue to the alley south of Elk Avenue. There is no winter parking in any Alley right-of-way or as directed by any official or temporary sign.
Please pay attention to signage on Elk Ave as the zones in the core business area may change based on weather and snow impact.
Designated Loading Zones
There are several loading zones throughout the core business area of Town (Elk Ave and its neighbors). Please make every effort to park for a reasonable period and allow others to use those spaces for loading and unloading only. With the exception of obvious delivery vehicles, less conspicuous vehicles making deliveries should turn on their flashers. Please do not block the traveled portion of any roadway without specific permission from the Marshal’s Office.
Neighborhood and Elk Avenue Parking
Park Crested Butte - Town of Crested Butte Parking
Fire Hydrant Zones
Don’t stop, stand or park a vehicle (within five feet along the curb in any direction), in any fire hydrant zone or in any manner so as to obstruct access to a fire hydrant.