The Wastewater Division of the Public Works Department
The Wastewater Division of the Public Works Department is responsible for the collection and treatment of wastewater, as well as, provides a septic waste dump station. In addition, the Wastewater Division operates a cooperative observer weather station for the National Weather Service. The Wastewater Plant is located at 801 Butte Avenue and personnel can be reached at 970-349-5530.
Ian Baird - Wastewater Systems Manager
Description of Treatment System:
Pretreatment- Fine screening and grit removal
Main treatment- Activated sludge (MLE process), secondary clarification
Disinfection- Ultraviolet light
Discharge is to the Slate River
Biosolids- Waste solids are dewatered and composted or sent to the Gunnison County Landfill.
Wastewater rates and tap fee information may be obtained by contacting the Finance Department at 970-349-5338.
Septic / RV Dump Station is OPEN
The Septic Dump Station is located at 801 Butte Avenue, across from the Wastewater Treatment Facility property. The septic dump station is operated seasonally. Seasonal startup and closure dates are contingent upon weather. Non-commercial vehicles (RV's & campers) can utilize the septic dump station from 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. and leave appropriate fees at the pay station (yellow tube). Commercial vehicles must contact the Wastewater Treatment plant at 970-349-5530 for scheduling prior to dumping and complete the Commercial Septic Waste Manifest form.
The fee schedules for Septic Dumping are as follows:
• Septic Tank & Portable Toilet Waste $30.00/load plus $0.20 per gallon
• Recreational Vehicles & Bus Waste $15 per load
- Water fill only is $5
For information on wastewater, water and trash billing contact the Finance Department at 970-349-5338.
Tip of the Month: Know the location of your wastewater (sewer) line cleanout.