Sustainability in Crested Butte

As a mountain town dependent on snowpack, thriving outdoor recreation, and tourism-based economy, the Town of Crested Butte community views climate change as one of the most important issues we face today. The Crested Butte Town Council set a 5-year goal in 2018 to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the Town’s operations by 50% and reduce community GHG emissions by 25%, versus 2017 levels to face this challenge. The 2019 Climate Action Plan and Community Compass are the guiding documents for the Town's sustainability action!

Please visit the Sustainability subpages for other information!

 Current Events & Programs

  • 2030 Climate Action Plan: Sustainability staff is developing the Town of Crested Butte's 2030 Climate Action Plan in 2024! This new plan will inform our community on our greenhouse gas emission (GHG) GHG emissions reduction progress since the original 2019 Climate Action Plan and set new GHG emissions and sustainability goals for 2030. To stay informed of this plan's progress, visit the 2030 Climate Action Plan page and subscribe to our community engagement newsletter!
  • GreenDeed Program: This program provides direct funding to deed-restricted housing owners to perform a free Energy Savings Assessments that determine your best energy efficiency measures for your property. In 2023, funding was expanded to implement the recommended energy saving projects! If you're interested, visit the Gunnison Valley Home Energy Advancement Team (GV-HEAT) website to learn about this program and other home efficiency funding opportunities!
  • Climate Responsible Special Events (CRSE): Previously known as the "Striving for Zero Waste" program, the special events page has received some program and fee updates for 2024 that will fund rebates for event holders purchasing goods or services to make their event more climate responsible. Please see our Special Events page to see these changes.
  • Sustainability Rebates: The Town has released several rebate programs for 2024 to incentivize electrification and reducing waste at events!  Visit our Rebates page to learn more!


Community Compass

The Community Compass is the Town of Crested Butte's comprehensive plan, which guides, integrates, and aligns the Town's regulations, investments, and services with the values of the Crested Butte Community. The Compass invites the Town of Crested Butte and it's community to "Act on the urgency of climate change and prepare for the changes we expect from it".