Phase 1

Inventory and Site Analysis
1.A. Kick-off Meeting / Conference or Skype Call as initial meeting with Town Staff and consultant team

1.B. Gather and review available background materials from the Town

1.C. Prepare Project Base Map from available information provided by the Town and other sources

1.D. Preliminary Park Program (uses, activities, supporting facilities, i.e. parking)
From available information provided by the Town;
Analyze existing park use from previous documents, anticipated to be current uses;
Park and recreation standards, and best practices for potential uses;
Vision, park goals and objectives.

1.E. Preliminary Communications Plan and Public Outreach
Strategy for multi-platform community process: stakeholder / focus group(s), social media, community meetings, communications with Town staff.

1.F. Site Visit and Work Session 1 - Trip 1 (2 days)
Field investigations;
Work session(s) with full consultant team, Town staff, and others determined by staff: share findings, dis¬cuss vision, issues, opportunities / constraints, and develop program and preliminary ideas;
stakeholder meeting;
focus group meeting(s) to determine / confirm space needs.

1.G. Opportunities and Constraints Plan
Document condition assessment, and identify key issues and Opportunities;
Analyze natural and historical features, views, adaptability to uses, conflicts, potential for recreational use.

1.H. Work Session 2 and Community Workshop 1
Work session(s) with Town staff and stakeholders, could be separate meetings:
Review revisions to findings, discuss opportunities and constraints plan, refine park program;
Community Meeting to share findings, listen to needs and desires, solicit input on potential park program, and solicit preliminary ideas;
Post community input on Town website and social media;
Conduct online community meeting (optional service as determined by Town).

1.I. Draft Summary Report
Deliverables: meeting agenda and summaries, project schedule, data list (excel file), project base map, graphics documenting existing condition, opportunities and constraints, narrative summary and applicable photographs, brief narrative and supporting graphics and photographs