Flood Plain Information
Floodplain Hazards
Flooding can occur any time of the year, especially when there is excessive snow melt during the spring or when obstruction occurs in the watercourses, such as debris or an ice dam. Both the Coal Creek and Slate River can produce flooding situations when the conditions are right. The bulk of the Town's floodplain is along the banks and surrounding areas of Coal Creek with some areas of flooding along the Slate River. Homes and structures in these areas have a greater potential for damage due to flooding. It is important to be prepared in the event of a flood. This linked document provides more detail on flood protection.
In the event of flooding or other natural disasters such as wildfire, property owners should be prepared to evacuate. The following is a link to resources for creating a plan to evacuate your household. www.ready.gov/evacuation , www.ready.gov/kids
Floodplain Insurance
The Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) is FEMA's regulatory map for development and flood insurance requirements for properties located in special flood hazard areas. The 2013 Map is the most current and up to date map for the Town of Crested Butte. Properties located in a special flood hazard area on FEMA’s FIRM map may be required to purchase flood insurance. Insurance can be obtained through an authorized National Floodplain Insurance Program (NFIP) insurance agent. Even if the purchase of flood insurance is not mandatory for a property it is recommended that a policy be purchased. More detail on the mandatory purchase of floodplain insurance requirements can be found in this document. As of September 2022, the Town is working with the Colorado Water Conservation Board through their risk map process to update the Flood Plain Map for the Town of Crested Butte.
FIRM 2013 (Flood Insurance Rate Map)
The Current FEMA maps do not provide detailed flood plain information such as, depth of water in flood zone. In 1992, the Town commissioned an engineering report of Coal Creek. This report provides more detailed information about the flood hazards along Coal Creek. Please see maps and engineering report from RBD below:
RBD Engineering Floodplain Information Report
Floodplain Development
Properties located in a special flood hazard area are required to submit a floodplain development permit for approval prior to any excavation of dirt or alterations to structures on the property. This is done to determine if the work to be performed will impact the regulatory floodplain or adjacent property owners during a flood event. Excavation in the Town’s 20-foot stream margin review area may be detrimental to the natural function of the floodplain to slow floodwaters, provide surcharge for flood waters and provide habitat for plant and animal species critical to preserving the natural floodplain functions of wetlands located in the floodplain. For more detailed information or to find out if a project is subject to floodplain development regulations contact the planning department at planning@crestedbutte-co.gov.
Prior to altering an existing structure or building a new structure on a property in The Town of Crested Butte located in a special flood hazard area please consult with the Town Building Official about the current adopted International Construction Code (ICC) building code requirements for construction in special flood hazard areas and the following FEMA technical guides for construction in flood zones.