Special Events

Thank you for your interest in hosting a Special Event in the Town of Crested Butte!  The first thing you'll need to do is complete the Special Event Application. Please read the introduction page carefully for information on what is additionally required to turn in with your application.  Once your application and attachments are received and reviewed by the Clerks department, your application will be considered by Town Department Heads and representatives from the Crested Butte Fire Protection District and Mountain Express, the local public transportation system. Events that require road or parking lot closures must be approved by the Town Council. To allow enough time for the approval process, please turn your completed application materials at least forty-five (45) days prior to the start of your event. 


Liquor License permit ONLY

If your event is not on public property and you are wanting to sell or serve liquor, you must fill out an Application for a Special Events Permit. Please note the qualifying organizations at the top of the application as only these types of entities are allowed to apply.  A completed application along with, payment, a perimeter diagram outlined in a big, bold, continuous, black line, and Colorado Secretary of State Certificate of Good Standing should be turned into Kellie Cheever (kcheever@crestedbutte-co.gov) no later than forty-five (45) days prior to your event. 

Once an application and supporting documents are received, the Clerks Office will post a notice to the public at the event location. After the ten (10) days, the Clerks Office will remove the notice and as long as a public hearing is not needed, the application will be sent to the state and your temporary liquor license will be issued to you for the dates requested.  

For more information, please refer to the document titled Department of Revenue, Liquor Enforcement Division, Special Events Permit.

Climate Responsible Special Events (CRSE)

As the Town's next step towards less wasteful events, we are introducing the Climate Responsible Special Events program in 2024! This will be taking the place of the Striving for Zero Waste initiative we have offered the past couple of years.  Event holders who choose to participate are eligible for reduced CRSE fees and rebates to assist with costs incurred for meeting the CRSE tier requirements.

To be eligible for rebates, you will need to complete the CRSE Application Worksheet and turn it in with your Special Event Application. You must also complete the Post Event Survey and email a rebate request to kcheever@crestedbutte-co.gov with all CRSE relevant expense receipts attached. Please note, rebate funding is limited and amounts are subject to change.

The Town recognizes that in some cases the CRSE fees may cause hardship or undue burden to an event holder's ability to host their event.  If you feel that your event cannot be carried out due to this program, you may fill out the Hardship Waiver.

For more information on reducing waste at your event, please refer to the Waste Free Toolkit provided by Sustainable Crested Butte. To find out more about Town of Crested Butte's sustainable projects, visit our Sustainability page! 

Additional Information  

Insurance: Every event application must have attached a valid certificate of insurance.  Your insurance company should be able to provide you with this document. You may obtain a free quote for insurance through the Town's insurance provider. To do this, you must complete a quote application at the time you turn in your Special Event Application.  Events with less than 400 participants/spectators should use the short form. For events with more than 400 participants/spectators, the long form should be used.

The certificate of insurance must have the following information to be considered valid:

    • The permittee on the Special Event Application and Certificate of Good Standing must match the insured exactly.
    • The Town of Crested Butte must be named as additionally insured
    • All events must carry a minimum of $1,000,000 in insurance coverage
    • The effective dates must cover the duration of the event

Sales Tax: if you will be selling any food, drink, and/or merchandise, you'll need to create, if you have not already, a MUNIRevs account with the Town of Crested Butte. To do so:

    1. Go to https://crestedbutte.munirevs.com
    2. Choose New Users (unless you have an account then click Existing Users)
    3. Register and complete your user profile and validate your email address
    4. Login using your User Profile email and password
    5. Attach your email to a business
      • Existing Business:
        • Enter your activation code and new Account Number
        • be sure to choose a role from the drop down list
        • DO NOT create a NEW business if you have purchased a business license or remitted sales tax in the recent past
      • New Business:
        • Below the activation code windows, you will find a prompt to add a new business
      • *TIP - YOU MUST CLICK SUBMIT located on the bottom right hand side of all forms. Your from will not be complete until you click submit. Please note, with zero sales tax returns you will need to complete the payment process all the way to the end where you will receive a payment confirmation page, failure to complete all steps may result in penalties and interest.