Building Department Application Packet

Note: We have updated most of the below applications and forms to be fillable, which allows you to type information into the form. 

Building Permit Application Materials:

After receiving BOZAR approval, please submit all of these forms to


Demolition and Relocation:


Solar Permits:

  • Solar Permit Application – Use this form to obtain a building permit when doing solar only. This submittal will require drawings showing location of solar panels, solar specifications that include required emergency shut off and electrical code requirements., and structural engineer stamped letter stating existing roof will remain structurally sound.


Right of Way (ROW) Permit:

  • Right of Way Permit Application - Submit a ROW permit if you will use the Town Right of Way such as parking strip or alley. Submit a drawing of the area to be used including dimensions. ROW permits are approved for the months of May through October only. Use of the ROW during the other months is prohibited. You do not need a ROW permit if digging for utilities only. Instead, you may obtain a Dig Excavation Permit from the Public Works Department.
  • Excavation Permit Application - After speaking with the Building Inspector, fill out this form to obtain a permit for excavating within the right-of-way.  This permit must be approved by the Public Works Department before work can commence. 


Outdoor Energy Usage:

  • Outdoor Energy Usage Permit Application - Any hot tub larger than 64 square feet or outdoor heated space must be off-set by renewable energy sources or a REMP fee will be assessed. Contact the Building Department prior to installing any outdoor heating system.
  • REMP Form – use this worksheet to calculate the off-set or payment in lieu.


Plumbing and Mechanical Work:

  • Mechanical Permit Application – Use this application for plumbing and mechanical work such as replacement of existing HWH. This permit application is used for but not limited to gas fire places and heat recovery ventilation systems and kitchen hoods. Please consult with the Building Inspector to determine if this is the proper application for the project that you are doing.


Tree Removal:



  • Driveway and Walkway Application – Site work such as driveways and walkways to be installed in the Town right of way required this application to be submitted for approval.


Solid Fuel Burning Devices:

  • Solid Fuel Burning Device Application – submit this form for approval or new fireplaces and stoves. A check for $100 paid to the Town of Crested Butte shall be submitted with this application.


Sign Permits:

  • Sign Permit Application - This application is required for a new sign or to make changes to an existing sign.  The application must be approved before the sign is made.


Records Requests:

  • Record Request Form - Fill out this form if you would like to request copies of documents from our files.


Floodplain Development Permit