RV Dump Station

On January 3, 2023 Town Council voted to approve keeping the current facility open with additional traffic calming measures and assess possible relocation if the Whetstone utility extension occurs 

The Town of Crested Butte is discussing the future of the RV Dump Station utilizing the Community Compass decision-making framework and we encourage community participation in this discussion. 


Step 1: Define the Problem and Goal Statement

  • May 17, 2021 – Town Council Directed staff to re-open the RV Dump Station for a two-year period to allow time to develop and implement a regional solution for the RV dump station.
  • Sustainable Tourism & Outdoor Recreation Committee (STOR) – RV Dump Station sub-committee did not identify an alternative location for the facility.
  • Goal: Town Staff is preparing 2023 Capital Budget and is seeking direction from the Town Council for the future use of the RV Dump Station, given that an alternative location was not identified.


Step 2: Community Engagement Strategy

Community meetings are listed on the right. A feedback survey was released to the public on Wednesday, October 5th and will remain open until midnight on October 16th. To take the survey, please click HERE or visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/cbrvdumpstationfeedback

If you have further comments or questions, please email planning@crestedbutte-co.gov or call (970) 349-5338. 


Step 3: Identify success measures

The following DRAFT success measures have been drafted from the community engagement process: 

  • Ensure Neighborhood Quality of Life
  • Maintain Environmental Stewardship
  • Improve Climate Stewardship
  • Maintain Public Infrastructure Utility


Step 4: Develop alternatives and filter through the success measures

Based on the community meeting, results from the feedback survey, and all other feedback, Town Staff will drafted and presented the success measures and alternatives to Council for initial feedback at the October 17 and November 21 Council meetings. Click here to learn more about the alternatives. 


Step 5: Make decisions with an informed consent model

At the November 21, 2022, the Town Council did not have a quorum to provide direction. The Town Council will consider providing direction on the RV Dump Station at January 3, 2023 Council meeting. 

Want to share more feedback prior to the meeting? Please contact planning@crestedbutte-co.gov.