News & Announcements

Town Hall Upstairs Remodel: Temporary Changes Starting Feb 3rd

The Town of Crested Butte is remodeling the upstairs offices in Town Hall located at 507 Maroon Ave to enhance services and modernize the building’s technology infrastructure. Construction begins on Monday, February 3rd. During the remodel, some departments will temporarily relocate their offices to the Historic Train Depot at 716 Elk Avenue. Recreation programming will continue in Jerry’s Gym and the fitness room downstairs. Town Council meetings, BOZAR, and Municipal Court will also remain in Town Hall. 

Residents are strongly encouraged to call or email staff with questions or to schedule in-person appointments, as drop-in visits will be difficult to accommodate due to limited space. Link to contact list with staff emails and extensions.

Utility payments can still be dropped at the Town Hall Crank’s Plaza drop box or paid online free of charge via the utility billing portal. Link to online utility billing portal. 

Departments at the Depot: 

  • Public Works
  • Human Resources
  • Finance/Utility Billing
  • IT
  • Sustainability
  • Town Manager’s Office

Departments staying on the 1st floor of Town Hall:

  • Clerks
  • Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails (PROST)
  • Community Development

The remodel is expected to be completed by mid-May. Thank you for your patience and understanding as the Town of Crested Butte works to improve its facilities for the future.