Town Council

Crested Butte is governed by a seven-member Town Council elected at large for staggered terms.The Mayor serves a two-year term and is a voting member of the council. In 1974, the voters of Crested Butte adopted a Home Rule Charter establishing a Council – Manager form of government.

Town Council meetings are held in the Council Chambers at Town Hall at 7 p.m. on the first and third Monday of each month (except for Monday holidays when meetings are held on the following Tuesday).  

At the beginning of each meeting, members of the public have an opportunity to speak with the council about any topic that is not on the agenda. The council periodically schedules special meetings and public forums to seek input on specific items of public business or Town projects.

The Town Council is always interested in receiving public input on community concerns. Feel free to contact any council member with your concerns, ideas and suggestions. You may email the entire Council utilizing the email address or call council members. Click on  contact information on the left sidebar. Letters to the Town Council may be mailed to the Town of Crested Butte P.O. Box 39 Crested Butte, CO 81224.


2024 Regular Town Council Meeting Schedule (1st & 3rd Monday of each month with the exception of holidays or rescheduling of meetings):

January 2, 16 February 5, 20 March 4, 18 April 1, 15 May 6, 20 June 3, 17
July 1, 15 August 6, 19 September 3, 16 October 7, 21 November 4, 18 December 2, 16