2025 BOZAR and DRC Schedule


This process has been revised from previous years.  Please note in years prior to 2023 projects were reviewed in one month.  In the 2025 schedule, all projects reviewed formally will take at least two months for review.  
  1. Plan submittal for a formal review is generally on the first or last Friday of the Month.  Submittal dates are referenced in the table below and also on the BOZAR Calendar.  *For Insubstantial reviews – Contact the Current Planning within the Building Department at 349-5338 to determine the level of review that may be required.  
  2. Staff Reviews occur during the following week (Plan review, Floor Area Ratio (FAR) calculations, Standard and Guideline Review).    
  3. 1st DRC meeting is generally held on the second Monday of the month (except for holidays) and all projects reviewed, generally start at 3:00 p.m. The 1st DRC meeting will focus on revisions to any plans from the previous month, which will be heard formally at the BOZAR meeting that month.  Changes must then be submitted the Monday of the week prior to the BOZAR meeting.  
  4. Publications of formal applications are submitted to the Crested Butte News (official newspaper) on the Tuesday following the 1st DRC meeting (if on a Monday), unless a significant conflict is identified during the plan review or at the DRC meeting.  Applications for building, zoning or land use changes must be published for two consecutive weeks. 
  5. 2nd DRC meeting is generally held on the third Monday of the month, reviewing new projects that will then be reviewed formally the following month.  This meeting generally starts at 3:00 p.m. Changes must then be submitted the Monday of the week prior to the 1st DRC meeting of the following month.  
  6. BOZAR hearings are generally held on the last Tuesday of the month starting at 6:00 p.m.


Example of project submittal with new schedule:

Friday, February 28th  - Submittal of complete packet digitally and availability on the schedule. *It is important to note that the BOZAR schedule is generally booked 2-3 months out.  This scenario assumes availability, which likely will not be the case.  
Friday, March 14th - Packet and agenda for March 18th DRC dispersed to applicants from Current Planning Staff.
Monday, March 17th  (2nd DRC for March) - Preliminary review with DRC. 
Monday, April 7th - Revisions to plans and information given to Current Planning Staff digitally.  
Friday, April 11th - Packet and agenda for April 15th DRC dispersed to applicants from Current Planning Staff. 
Monday, April 14th (1st DRC for April) - Secondary review with DRC.  This meeting may not be required for all projects.  Substantial revisions generally require this secondary review.  
Tuesday, April 15th - Publish for project.
Monday, April 21st - Revisions to plans and information given to Current Planning Staff digitally.  
Friday, April 25th - Packet and agenda for April 29th BOZAR dispersed to applicants from Current Planning Staff.  
Tuesday, April 29th - Final review at BOZAR and public hearing.  

See the table below for Submittal, BOZAR and DRC meeting dates.


BOZAR Submittal Schedule
BOZAR Meeting Schedule
DRC Meeting Schedule
January 3 (for Feb.) January 28 January 13, 21 (Tuesday)
January 31st (for March) February 25 February 10 and 18 (Tuesday)
February 28 (for April) March 25 March 10, 17
April 4 (for May) April 29 April 14, 21
May 2 (for June) May 27 May 12, 19
May 30 (for July) June 24 June 9, 16
July 3 (for August) July 29 July 14, 21
August 1 (for Sept.) August 26 August 11, 18
September 5 (for Oct.) September 30

September 15, 22

October 3 (for Nov.) October 28 October 14 (Tuesday), 20
October 24 (for Dec.) November 18 November 3, 10
November 21 (for Jan.) December 16 December 1, 8