New in 2024! Crested Compost!


Available to all North Valley residents (CB South --> Mt. Crested Butte)!


The Towns of Crested Butte and Mt. Crested Butte are excited to announce Crested Compost, a North Valley residential compost drop off program! The two jurisdictions have partnered with Elements Mountain Compost to pilot a year-long composting program. The drop off site is located on the east side of the Chamber of Commerce building at the 4 way parking lot. Membership fees are $17/month, and limited scholarships are available on a case-by-case basis.

The first 50 people to sign up receive a free compost bucket! You can pick this up at either Crested Butte's or Mt. Crested Butte's Town Hall. 

Sign up now!

For questions about the program or your membership, please email


