Adopt-A-Bench Program
Thank you for supporting Crested Butte’s parks by adopting a bench.
The Adopt-A-Bench program was created to provide a meaningful way for people to remember loved ones and share fond memories of Crested Butte, while enhancing our parks and public spaces for the enjoyment of all. Your donation of $1,000 is fully tax-deductible and will provide for a locally made 6'x2' bench with a steel frame made by ACD Metal, a local craft welder, and custom wooden slats made by our parks crew. For ease of maintenance, plaque installation, and winter storage, all adoptable benches are consistent in design and materials. Your donation will include the installation of a personalized 8”x 4” brass plaque affixed to the back of the bench. To adopt a bench, please complete this donation form and return it to:
Bench Locations
Please review the Bench Locations Map below. Please note that bench locations are for the summer months (June-September) only. Benches will be removed seasonally to allow for snow removal and will be replaced in the spring. The Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Department ("PROST") will work with donors to accommodate preferred bench placement locations, however due to various circumstances, preferred locations might not be available. Benches may be temporarily or permanently relocated and PROST staff will make every possible effort to contact bench donors if relocation is necessary. Please keep contact information current with the Department.
Longevity of Adoption
The costs outlined above cover bench production costs and maintenance of your bench for 10 years. PROST reserves the right to remove a plaque should a donor choose not to renew after the initial 10 year period comes to an end. It is the donor’s responsibility to inform PROST staff of the desire to re-adopt, and keep contact information current. We will attempt to contact donors using information provided prior to the removal of a plaque.
A plaque created by the vendor of your choice will be installed on your adopted bench. Bench installation may vary from six to twelve weeks after plaque is received based upon lead time for benches and park crew work load. Plaques must be etched or engraved metal with a dimension of 8”x 4” and 1/16” thick, have screw holes in each corner, and must be inscribed with words only (no images). Please email a proof of your proposed plaque inscription and materials to recreation@crestedbutte-co.gov for approval by the PROST Department prior to purchasing a plaque. Once the plaque is approved, you are responsible for ordering the plaque from the vendor of your choice. Please work directly with your vendor on questions regarding plaque design, materials, fabrication costs, and production times.
Questions? Contact Parks and Rec 970-349-5338 x110 recreation@crestedbutte-co.gov