(Wastewater Treatment Plant) WWTP Improvements Project
This project is funded by the Water Pollution Control State Revolving Fund low-interest loan through the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and a Colorado State DOLA Grant. This $19.9 million construction project will upgrade the Town’s solids processing equipment and construct a new building over the Aeration Tank with an Administration building. The solids processing upgrade costs will be shared by Mt.Crested Butte Water & Sanitation District and the Town.
Construction has begun with outside construction beginning June 2023 and with regular working hours are Monday to Friday, 7am to 7pm. Weekends if needed - 8am to 5pm.
The Town of Crested Butte (Town) Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement project consists of two major construction components: (1) a new Aeration process building with administration area, (2) a replacement and addition of solids processing equipment in the Solids Building. Included in the improvements is an energy recovery HVAC system for each structure and a new potable water service line for the facility.
The new aeration process building, which will be constructed over the existing aeration tanks, will improve operation and maintenance ability in the winter by optimization of the biological nutrient removal process. These improvements will increase process temperatures and decrease process air requirements thereby streamlining blower efficiency and reducing energy consumption. In addition, the improvements will enable the Town to continue to meet current and future regulatory discharge limits, as well as provide a future dedicated space for a phosphorus treatment unit. In addition to process optimization, a new administration building will enable staff to have dedicated lab, break, office, and electrical rooms. Currently, all administrative operations are located in one wastewater lab room, which is a serious health and safety concern. Finally, the proposed improvements will contemplate the installation of an approximate 75 kW solar array.
The Solids Process improvements will incorporate the in-kind replacement of three sludge transfer pumps, two automated valves, the replacement of 3 PD blowers with two high efficiency blowers, a new HVAC and air handling system and the addition of a solid’s thickener. Replacement of the solids process equipment will reduce energy consumption at the facility by 67%.
For the two components, upgrades to the electrical and SCADA system will include a new human machine interface (HMI), a programmable logic controller (PLC) and the replacement of the SCADA network infrastructure, all of which is approximately 25 years old.
All these improvements have ancillary benefits to the community, some more direct than others. Positive benefits include continued compliance with discharge limits to the receiving stream (Slate River), improved air quality within the facility, and improved air quality in adjacent residential neighborhoods. In addition, the Town anticipates a substantial reduction in energy consumption and GHG emissions at the wastewater treatment facility. This aligns with the identified/prioritized goals of Town Council to reduce GHG emissions by 50% by 2023.
May 17, 24 - test piers drilled and poured
June 6th - first pier of 48; July 21st, 2023 - the last pier placed.
July 10th, 2023 - first grade beam poured
August 29th - Last grade beam for admin area.
Sept. 8th - First grade beam poured for Aeration building.
Sept 12th - Lefever Building Systems started erected the administration building.
Oct. 2-4 - Lefever Building Systems started erecting North and South Building beams.
Oct. 19th - Last grade beam poured for Aeration building
Oct. 18th and 26th - Administration slab pours.
Oct. 26th - new boiler pumps tested
Project Management includes Carollo Engineering hired on Aug 3, 2021 to do 30%, 60%, 90% and Final Design and Moltz Construction hired on Jan 28, 2022 for 60%, 90%, Final Design and GMP.
Huge thank you to DOLA (Colorado Department of Local Affairs) for Design and Engineering, and Construction grants and your support.
Town has secured two Water Pollution Control State Revolving Funds (SRF) 20 year Loan in December 2022 for the Construction phase through Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority, and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. One low interest Loan and the second is a Green Project Reserve at very low interest to fund new energy efficient Solids Processing equipment, HVACs for both Solids building and Aeration/ Administration building, and Solar Panels.
Thank you to all the stakeholders and Departments that we have worked with on this important project.