Review by the Board of Zoning and Architectural Review


What is BOZAR?

The Board of Zoning and Architectural Review (BOZAR) consists of a seven-member Board comprised of local residents appointed by the Town Council to serve for a term of at least three years.  One Chairperson is elected by the Board and ratified by the Council to preside over the BOZAR meetings and approve insubstantial changes.

BOZAR generally holds one public hearing a month to review all of the published building, zoning and land use requests submitted to the Building Department. Submittal dates for 2025 are referenced on the BOZAR calendar for 2025 and can be obtained in the Building Department or by calling Town Hall at 349-5338.  The Board also makes recommendations to the Town Council regarding issues affecting zoning, land use, historic preservation and design review.

What is the Design Review Committee's purpose?

The Design Review Committee (DRC) consists of two BOZAR members rotating and one Town staff person, which hold a permanent position on the Committee.  Work sessions are held twice per month to review insubstantial determinations and formal applications.

The DRC reviews all building and most land use proposals with the Applicant to resolve issues in conflict with the purposes and intents of Chapter 16 regarding Zoning in the Municipal Code, Design Guidelines and neighborhood context.  As a result of the discussions, the DRC makes a recommendation to the BOZAR for approval, denial or no recommendation.  Historic properties often require a more in-depth review of Design Guidelines in determining how the proposed alterations and materials relate to the historic building and surrounding historic district.

There are two different types of review Required Formal and Insubstantial.


View current year BOZAR and DRC meeting materials HERE

Previous years of BOZAR and DRC materials are here.


Once you have received approval through BOZAR you can move onto the building permitting process.