The Town of Crested Butte drinking water source is Coal Creek. To insure a high quality water supply, the Town has established a Watershed Protection District. Any activity that could degrade water quality in the watershed requires a Watershed Protection District Application and Submittal Status Report (bottom of page). Such activities include residential construction, sewage treatment systems, road construction, logging, mining, or any disturbance of soil or water. For information regarding the Watershed Protection District, contact Town Engineer, Carolyn de Groot, and read Chapter 14 of Town Code on Town's website and supply items 2 and 3 of 14.2.20.
The Town of Crested Butte is part of the Advisory Committee of the Coal Creek Watershed Coalition (CCWC), a local citizen’s group with a mission “to maintain, restore and enhance the environmentally integrity of the watershed to provide high-quality water for wildlife, aquatic life and human life.” The CCWC is working on a comprehensive Watershed Restoration Plan which will characterize the known pollutant sources in the watershed and prioritize these sources for remediation. Meetings are typically held on the second Wednesday of the month and are open to the public. For more information on the CCWC please visit their website at www.coalcreek.org or e-mail coordinator@coalcreek.org.