
Crested Butte Cemetery

The Crested Butte Cemetery is located approximately ¼ mile north of the Town of Crested Butte. There is a reference map and a listing of burial and ownership records at the entrance to the Cemetery for your convenience. This information is also available by contacting the Clerk’s Office at 970-349-5338.

The Crested Butte Cemetery is a public cemetery that is “natural” in appearance and vegetated with native plants.  It is not manicured and is not staffed in person. All paperwork needs to go through the Clerk’s office.

Preserving the integrity of the cemetery is the highest priority of the Town Staff.  The materials and scale should stay within the tradition that is currently represented at the cemetery.  Please be aware that the climate is harsh and plot owners need to adhere to the Guidelines.  Also, remember that the maintenance for the plot and any landscaping is the owner’s responsibility. 


Purchasing a Plot

The Crested Butte Cemetery offers Full sized and Quarter sized lots for purchase. Full sized lots are 11ft by 22ft and cost $1,000.00.  Quarter sized lots are 5.5ft by 11ft and cost $300.00. Available plots are indicated in white on the Cemetery Map.

Once a plot is chosen an Agreement Form must be filled out and payment must be received by the Clerk’s office.  Payments may be made online through the Town of Crested Butte Website or by check made out to the Town of Crested Butte. 


All burials will be scheduled with and performed by the Town of Crested Butte.  An Interment Permit must be filed with the Clerk’s office at least two (2) weeks prior to burial.  Town Staff will conduct burials only from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM or 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM.  All those attending service must leave the Cemetery by 12:00 PM or 2:30 PM for safety. 

The Town performs both casket and cremains burials.  A full sized lot can fit four (4) caskets, several urns or a combination of.  A quarter sized lot can fit one (1) casket or several urns.


Maintenance of a privately owned lot is the responsibility of the owners or family of.  A Landscape/Construction permit must be filed with the Clerk’s office at least two (2) weeks prior to any landscaping, memorial placement, fence instalment or other work more than weeding.